Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Chadron State Park: Steamboat Loop Trail

This morning, Noelle, Mom, Sierra and I made the drive north to Chadron State Park. We arrived at lunch time and so we ate in the picnic area
next to a nice pond before driving over to the trailhead for the Steamboat Loop Trail.

The trail started on a mowed grass path and I thought to myself that the trail might be a bit boring.
Soon enough, the trail left the wide mowed path and started to steeply ascend a narrow trail lined with poison ivy.
The trail climbed to the top of a ridge
where the views started to open up.
There were lots of interesting wildflowers in bloom, including:
 Sego lily,
and prickly pear.

We continued along the ridge, emerging at another section of wide, grassy trail.
 We then descended to the parking area, completing the short loop.
We finished our visit with a drive out to the Black Hills Overlook,
then drove to Alliance to break up the drive and purchase a couple of crowlers at Brewery 719.

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