Saturday, July 11, 2020

Bighorn National Forest: James T. Saban Lookout Trail

This morning we left Hulett and headed west through the plains. We stopped in Gillette for ice and some food and then made our way up into the Bighorn Mountains. We ate lunch at the North Fork Picnic Area on the east side of Bighorn National Forest and then headed up further into the high peaks. We stopped at an overlook and crested the top of the ridge. Shortly after we turned off of Highway 16 to go check out the James T. Saban Memorial Overlook.

We could see the fire lookout from the gravel approach road.

We arrived at the parking area, got out of the car, and immediately appreciated the wonderful view!

After a quick bathroom break, we hit the trail and headed into the woods.

Rosie did a great job hiking, but she needed lots of rest breaks

and water.
We climbed higher and higher up the ridge, passing lots of wildflowers in bloom.

As we approached the top of the ridge, there was a set of concrete stairs to climb.

Then we were at the fire lookout.

The views to the north were pretty spectacular!

We found a rocky outcrop to take a family photo at.

Then we made our decent back to the car.

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