Sunday, July 12, 2020

Shoshone National Forest: Popo Agie Falls

It was a long, hot drive from Thermopolis to out campsite in Sinks Canyon. After all the time we spent in the car, everyone was ready to stretch our legs with a hike. We decided to attempt the roughly 3 mile round-trip hike to Popo Agie Falls. 

We made the short drive to the trailhead and immediately hit the trail. 

A large portion of the beginning of the hike took place on a trail that offered little shade. We had to stop frequently to give Rosie water. The beautiful canyon scenery helped make up for the hot conditions.

There were lots of great views down to the the cascading waters of the Popo Agie River.

After a steady climb, we reached our first view of one of the Popo Agie Falls.

We made our way into a wooded area and ended up at the base of one of the waterfalls. 

It was here that Sierra decided to go for a swim. 

I joined her for a short time and even Rosie went into water deep enough that she was forced to swim. I think this scared her though and Noelle held her for a bit. 

After a short time swimming, I decided to go up the trail a bit to see if I could find the "waterslide falls". Sure enough I found them and had them all to myself.

I went back to get Noelle and Sierra and we all checked out the falls together. I didn't have the guts to try the waterslide, but we watched a group of three younger guys do it. 

 After a while of relaxing at the falls, we started to make our way back to the trailhead. 

Luckily the temperatures were cooler and the hike was downhill. 

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