Saturday, May 8, 2021

Eagle's Nest Open Space

 I've been itching to get out with the family for a hike! With nice (but somewhat windy) weather forecast for the day, we decided to make the drive down to the Fort Collins area to hike at Eagle's Nest Open Space. There are two trails there, the 3 Bar Trail and the OT Trail, that together make a 5 mile long figure-8 hike.

The drive was long, but uneventful. It was a bit windy on I-25 in Wyoming as we made our way to the trailhead. Luckily, it was not as windy at the starting point for our hike, just outside the small community of Livermore, Colorado. We hit the trail in a lovely, green valley surrounded by the foothills of the Rocky Mountains. 

Immediately, we could see the area's namesake, Eagle's Nest Rock, in the distance. We followed the trail, which alternately climbed and descended closer and closer to the rock. 

Along the way we saw some wildflowers in bloom, including bluebells. 

Soon, the trail started a descent down towards the North Fork of the Poudre River.

Sierra took a rock climbing break, 

and then we continued our descent.

We saw more flowers blooming on this stretch of trail, including lots of star lily.

At the river, we stopped to take a break on some benches. Sierra took a "nap".

We all ate a quick snack and drank some water.

Rosie took a quick dip in the river, 

then we crossed the river on a footbridge before starting an ascent.

The next section of trail featured lots of great views of Eagle's Nest Rock.

We climbed to a ridge, passed a lone ponderosa pine,

and then started to make our way back to the car.

When we had made it back to the river crossing, we arrived to see a pair of rafters floating downstream.

The last section of trail followed an old road through a herd of cattle. Rosie was very curious about the bovines.

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