Thursday, June 24, 2021

Roosevelt National Forest: Kreutzer Nature Trail

 Yesterday, after Sierra's swimming lessons, the Grunwalds drove their pre-packed car southwest through Wyoming and into the Poudre Canyon area of Roosevelt National Forest for our first family camping trip of 2021. We found a decent spot at the Mountain Park Campground with access to the Cache la Poudre River. We spent quite a bit of time relaxing on the banks.

We also spent quite a bit of time relaxing in our site, and even had a campfire and made some s'mores.

The sounds of the river, and of the resident cicadas, were hyponotic.

After a good night's sleep (Rosie was actually pretty good in the tent.) we awoke, ate breakfast and hit the trail right from our campsite.

Immediately, it was a pretty steep climb.

While we had originally intended to hike up to the summit of Mount McConnel, Sierra wasn't feeling well 

and so we opted for the shorter hike on the Kreutzer Nature Trail.

We stopped at a nice overlook of the river canyon to enjoy the view and take a break.

However, due to the fact that the trail traversed through an old burn scar, the views were just as good from lots of sections of the trail.

As usual this time of the year, there were lots of wildflowers in bloom.

We left the Cache la Poudre Wilderness,

and descended back to the campground. We packed up camp and then headed into Fort Collins for lunch and a beer at New Belgium.

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