Saturday, July 24, 2021

Yucca House National Monument

For years I've been curious about this little, seldom-visited, National Monument on the outskirts of Cortez, Colorado. Today, we finally had an opportunity to visit and we had a guide with us: park ranger extraordinaire Nick!

It's a weird trailhead to get into the monument; it's basically in someone's driveway. Sierra found a kitten at the trailhead 

and this would be the highlight of her visit.  From the trailhead, we traversed a short section of boardwalk and then entered into the monument proper.

There's no trail system in the Yucca House monument, so we followed user-created paths to areas of interest. 

There were pottery sherds everywhere!

Nick guided us to areas of interest,

and we particularly enjoyed seeing the depression that marked the locations of possible kivas.

We ended our visit at the one small section of reconstructed wall.

However, finding pottery was the highlight of our visit, at least it was for me.

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