Thursday, June 16, 2022

Independence Rock and Rattlesnake Pass

 We left our campsite near the shores of Alcova Lake and headed away from Fremont Canyon, past the old Pathfinder Cemetery 

and over to Independence Rock. 

I had been to Independence Rock before, but it was a first visit for everyone else. While climbing up the flanks of the rock with a dog is not the best way to visit, we made the best of the situation and looked around for emigrant signatures.

After exploring for a bit, we started to make our way down.

At the north end of the rock is a group of monuments behind a fence that we briefly checked out.

We relaxed in the shade of a pavilion at the trailhead for a bit, then started to make our way back to the car. On the way, Sierra found a baby mouse, lying alone on the sidewalk. 

Unfortunately, I don't think it will survive very long. 

From Independence Rock, we make our way to the short Devil's Gate interpretive trail. The views are not as good as those from the Mormon Trail. However, the trail on the Mormon property is off-limits to dogs and since we have Rosie with us, we could not hike it. Instead, we headed over to Rattlesnake Pass to check it out the grave and a few of the signatures there.

After the short, hot hike to Rattlesnake Pass, we returned to the rest area at Independence Rock to eat lunch in the shade of one of the picnic shelters before returning to Alcova Lake to do some swimming. 

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