Monday, September 26, 2022

Bobcat Ridge Natural Area: D.R. and Powerline Trails Loop

 After last week's short hike at Bobcat Ridge, I wanted to get back and explore a little bit more. I made the drive back to Fort Collins as the sun rose,

and over to Bobcat Ridge. I hit the trail, immediately following a section of the Valley Loop that I had missed during my previous visit. The views were quite nice. 

There are still a few flowers blooming at this late point in the season. Some rabbitbrush and asters.

Soon enough, I found myself at the junction with the D.R. Trail. 

I turned left onto the trail and started the ascent up to Mahoney Park.

Parts of the trail left Bobcat Ridge and entered Roosevelt National Forest.

Just beyond the forest boundary I encountered a solitary bull elk.

He didn't seem fazed by my presence. Since much of Bobcat Ridge burned in the Cameron Peak Fire, there were plenty of open views.

Soon enough I was up to Mahoney Park, a grassy meadow.

I opted to hike a utility road up to a ridge so that I could get a view to the west. 

What a view it was!

There were also views to the east and Horsetooth Rock.

After admiring the views from the ridge, I hiked the Powerline Trail back down to the Valley Loop Trail. It was a very steep descent.


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