Monday, September 19, 2022

Bobcat Ridge Natural Area: Valley Loop Trail

 Yesterday, Noelle, Sierra, Mom T and I headed down to Fort Collins for a couple of days of exploration and relaxation. Yesterday we checked out the CSU Annual Flower Trial Gardens and Old Town. Today, we headed out to Bobcat Ridge to check out this special natural area southwest of town. We arrived at the parking area and found some old, historic structures to check out. First up were the stables.

Inside one section of the stables was an area of brands on the wooden walls. 

From the stables, we headed over to the old Chicken House and barn. 

It is though that the Chicken House may have been the original farmhouse, as it has a stone floor, a bit fancy for a simple chicken coop.  

After walking around the historic buildings, it was time to hit the trail. 

We opted to hike the Valley Loop Trail. The beginning portion as ha level, smooth gravel surface appropriate for wheelchair use.

It was a quick, easy walk to the old farm cabin.

We checked out the inside of the cabin,

then headed back outside

where we ate a snack at a picnic table in the shade and checked out some old farm implements.

When we were ready to move on, we left the smooth gravel path behind and hiked a more rugged path, 

ascending to the top of a low ridge. 

There was plenty of rubber rabbitbrush in bloom along the path. 

There were great views from the ridge, 

including out to Horsetooth Rock which we had hiked up a few weeks ago.

Because Sierra was tired and Mom was feeling a bit under the weather, we opted to take the Powerline Trail back down to the lower portion of the Valley Loop. Along the way we passed a nice tipi ring.

We finished the hike on the nice, gravel 

and before we knew it we were back to the car. We opted to drive into Old Town 

to get some ice cream and a beer at New Belgium.

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