Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Nebraska's Devil's Den Canyon

Almost a year ago, Rosie and I hiked Gilbert-Baker Wildlife Management Area in a search for Devil's Den, a deep and narrow canyon. While I was able to locate the canyon during that visit, I couldn't convince Rosie to make the steep climb down into it. I vowed to return in the future to explore the canyon. Well, today was the day for my second attempt at Devil's Den. I made the drive up to Harrison and parked at the trailhead near the pleasant looking campground. Then I hit the trail, 

following a two-track road. The road heads north towards a fence line. From there I roughly followed the fence west.

The fence line zigs and zags a bit. 

I followed it to the base of some bluffs, then followed the base of the bluffs southwest. There were lots of great views to the south end of the ridge.

Eventually, I picked up another road that roughly followed the base of the bluffs. I followed this road until I came to an area where the road passes the mouth of a small canyon. I headed up this canyon on another road. Again, the views were impressive. 

At one point while I was taking a break, I noticed a high, rocky promontory that appeared that I might be able to climb. I decided to go for it and scrambled up to this point above Devil's Den. The views from this point were excellent. 

After a few minutes on my little peak, I decided it was high time to find the Devil's Den. I carefully descended from the summit and returned to the top of the ridge where the road was. From there I found a faint path that followed the edge of a small canyon, the upper reaches of the Devil's Den. It took a little while, but eventually I found a way to descend into the canyon. At first, I wasn't sure if I was in the right place. I headed up-canyon and the walls started to become more perpendicular. I spotted some graffiti and knew I must be getting close. 

The next thing I knew, I was in Devil's Den. 

I explored the scene a bit. There was a lot of graffiti, which surprised me. I didn't think a place so remote would be so disrespected.


After about a half hour, I realized it was time to head out. I made the steep climb out of the canyon and took one last look.

Then, I made it back to the road for the walk back to the car. Since I've got the best route down, it was a quick walk. The views to the north were pretty spectacular!

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