Sunday, May 21, 2023

Lory State Park: Timber/Kimmons/West Valley Loop

We've been wanting to get out of town for a family outing for a few weeks now. It seems like every time we want to go somewhere lately, rain is in the forecast. It's made for some green landscapes, but not the type of weather that you want to drive 100 miles to go hiking in. Today, we finally had a window of nice weather and so we made the drive down into Fort Collins and over to Lory State Park to do some hiking. 

We paid our entrance fee and drove a short distance to the Timber Trailhead. At first there was not a space to park, but after turning around to find a different lot, a space opened up. We readied our gear and hit the trail, starting out on the short trail that leads to the unnamed waterfall.

It is an extremely short hike. The sign looked like it said 1 mile, but perhaps it actually said .1 miles. It was that short. We hiked through green vegetation, including chokecherry with blooming flowers.

After a few creek crossings, we were at the waterfall.

We admired the water flowing over the rocks here. Apparently, there is often not much water here. However, lots of snow melt and spring rains have made their mark on the falls, and on the greenness of the vegetation. We turned around to head back to the parking lot.

Once we were back at the parking lot, we headed out on the Timber Trail. Ironically, there isn't a whole lot of timber on the trail. 

It's pretty exposed to the sun and so I'm glad we opted to make this hike before the peak of summer heat. What the trail lacked in trees, it made up for in copious wildflowers.

There were also lots of great views east to Horsetooth Reservoir 

and west to the surrounding foothills. 

Smoke from wildfires in western Canada gave the sky a hazy look.

It was an enjoyable hike, though admittedly, not the most amazing hike we've ever been on. Lack of an ultimate destination (like a peak or lake) and having to dodge mountain bikes made the hike less enjoyable than others we've been on. Still, the green vegetation, blooming flowers and nearly perfect weather made for a pleasant hiking experience.

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