Saturday, July 22, 2023

Colorado National Monument: Devil's Kitchen

Yesterday, after leaving Sego Canyon, we made the drive east into Colorado. We stopped in Grand Junction for the night. While we had originally planned to camp at Colorado National Monument again, we were getting tired of the heat and so opted to spend the night in a hotel instead. This morning, we woke up, ate the very good free breakfast, and then headed into Colorado National Monument. Hot temperatures were in the forecast again, and we wanted to try to beat the heat. 

We arrived to find a full trailhead and so we parked at the Devil's Kitchen Picnic Area. We hiked a short trail to the road, 

crossed it, and then started hiking towards the kitchen.

The trail spends a short time traversing a canyon,

and then starts to climb to its namesake, the Devil's Kitchen.

The "kitchen" is an interesting rock alcove. 

We spent quite a bit of time exploring it and climbing around to different vantage points. 

After about a half hour, we started to make our way back to the trailhead. 

We had to meet a friend in Grand Junction for brunch.

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