Thursday, October 5, 2023

Bobcat Ridge Natural Area: Eden Valley Spur

 After my hike of Palisade Mountain, I made the short drive over to Bobcat Ridge. It's been about a year since I've hiked at Bobcat Ridge and I was excited to do some exploring. Having already completed a short hike, I opted for the short and easy walk on the Eden Valley Spur Trail. It's 1.8 miles from the trailhead parking area to the Natural Area boundary.

The hike started with a nice easy stroll on a paved trail with views of the surrounding foothills.

Soon, I reached dirt and gently climbed up to the intersection with the Eden Valley Spur.

This late in the year, the only flowers blooming were rabbitbrush,

sunflowers, and a few rogue prickly poppies.

The trail itself was mostly level, with pleasant views across the valley formed by the foothills and a red rock hogback.

I stopped to admire a lone ponderosa pine that seems to have escaped the Cameron Peak fire that burned through here a few years ago.

Soon, I was at the Natural Area boundary. The trail continued on a bit and I didn't see any "No Trespassing" signs, and so I decided to continue just a little further to where the trail intersected with a dirt road. There was an interesting sign for a Sanitarium there.

I took a photo and then returned to inside the natural area where I ate a snack before following the trail back to the car. The scenery was just as impressive on the way back.

Once back to the car, I made the drive into Fort Collins for a beer at Mythmaker Brewing. The smoked wheat beer was something I wouldn't normally try, but I found it to be very good. I will have to head back at some point with Noelle. 

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