Friday, April 12, 2024

Soapstone Prairie Natural Area: Towhee Loop and Beyond

 I've been itching to get out and go for a longer hike. With great weather forecast for today, I opted to make the drive down south to the Colorado/Wyoming border for a hike at Soapstone Prairie Natural Area. I arrived to an empty parking lot and after a quick restroom break, I hit the trail. My first stop would be the Lindenmeier Site, a place where archaeologists found evidence of a large-scale animal butchering operation. Along the paved trail there were excellent views to the west and the high, snow-capped peaks. 

There are some exhibits at a shelter overlooking the Lindenmeier Site, but not much else. No evidence of the digs that happened there in the past is visible. 

From the archaeological site, I retraced my steps for a bit and then set off on the Towhee Loop Trail. I would be hiking the loop in the clockwise direction. The trail starts with a long, steady climb up a grassy ravine.

I caught glimpses of early blooming flowers, including what appears to be some sort of bluebell,


and the delicate-looking springtime favorite: pasqueflower.

Near the top of a ridge, after ascending the ravine, I soon found a .8 mile, unnamed connector trail that led to the Canyon Trail. At the Canyon Trail,

I turned to the west and followed a trail/two-track road. 

Again, there were great views off to the west and the high peaks.

I stopped to check out a solar well

and noticed a nice looking elk skull with antlers nearby.

I continued west, into Red Mountain Open Space and turned around at the first trail junction.

Having hiked in both Soapstone Prairie and Red Mountain Open Space, I honestly find Red Mountain a lot more interesting. There are some red rock canyons and more varied topography at Red Mountain. 

It felt like a long hike as I retraced my steps back to the Towhee Loop. Once back on the loop, I continued walking clockwise, 

eventually descending back to the trailhead and my car. I estimate the hike to have been around 10 miles. From there, I headed into Fort Collins for lunch and a beer at Rally King Brewery. 

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