Sunday, May 29, 2011

LaSalle Falls, Wisconsin

Friday after work, Noelle, Parker and I packed up the Subaru and headed east into Wisconsin, the Upper Peninsula of Michigan and back into Wisconsin headed to Noelle's relative's house in Wausaukee, Wisconsin. We were headed there for Noelle's cousin Leah's graduation party. We had a great time at the party yesterday and today we were ready to do some hiking. After consulting our guide book we decided on hiking to LaSalle Falls which is outside of Florence, Wisconsin.

After a pleasant drive to the trailhead during which we saw a porcupine, we hit the trail.
Parker & Noelle hiking
The woods in northern Wisconsin are just loaded with trillium this time of the year.
white trillium
 In some areas it seemed to blanket the forest floor. We also saw some fringed polygala
fringed polygala
 and jack-in-the pulpit as well.
jack in the pulpit

Soon we made it to a fork in the trail. A sign indicated a side trip to a gorge overlook. The gorge formed by the Pine River was interesting, but difficult to get to.
Parker and I scaled a steep cliff wall to get down to the river and a nice view.
Eric & Parker at overlook
Pine River gorge

After checking out the gorge we headed further upstream and could soon hear the waterfall. Unfortunately, there is not a really good vantage point from which to see the falls,
obstructed falls view
but we were able to stand at the brink of the falls and watch them plunge into a pool below.
Noelle watches water
There were also some nice little cascades above the falls which we spent a few moments exploring.
 After a few minutes at the falls we returned to the car for the drive back to Wausaukee.

1 comment:

  1. An outdoor person myself, I really enjoy seeing other topographies and vegetation that are so different than my own area. Beautiful!
