Monday, May 30, 2011

Return to Timms Hill

Today Noelle and made the drive from Wausaukee back to Duluth. It's a long drive and instead of making it a straight trip we decided to break it up with a stop for a hike and a trip to Wisconsin's Concrete County Park. While we have visited Timms Hill before, we've never done much of a hike up it. We were determined to change that today.

From Wausaukee it was a pleasant drive through small northern Wisconsin towns like Laona and Goodman. When we reached the Timms Hill area we realized that we needed to get some water and so stopped at a place called Highpoint Village. While the restaurant there was closed, we just happened to pull into the parking lot when the owner was there and he kindly filled up our water bottles for us. It looked like a nice place and maybe we'll head back again some time when it is open. After getting our water bottles filled and snapping a photo of Timms Hill from across Bass Lake,
Timms Hill from Lake
we set out to find the starting point for our hike, a small cemetery. The trail marker at the road crossing there is so inconspicuous that we missed it at first, but saw it upon our second pass.
Timms Hill Trail head

From there the trail cut through a person's yard and then headed into the woods.
Timms Hill summit approach
We climbed up some glacial features and soon passed a few small lakes.
beaver lodge on Little Bass lake
We crossed a county road and soon started to ascend in earnest. before we knew it we were on top of Wisconsin.
USGS survey marker
noelle & parker at summit
It was Parker's third state highpoint along with Pennsylvania and Minnesota.
Noelle and I took turns climbing up the observation tower and after a short rest we made our way back to the car. It was the warmest, most humid weather we'd hiked in in a long time. Parker did great though.

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