Saturday, July 23, 2011

Agate Hunting, Gooseberry Falls, and Castle Danger Brewery

It was a cool and windy day. Quite a change of pace from the extreme heat we just experienced in Duluth the previous several days. Noelle and I decided that we would check out the new Castle Danger Brewery and look for some agates while we were in the area. The drive up Highway 61 was uneventful, but once we got out of the car at Flood Harbor State Wayside it was quickly evident just how windy it was. Huge waves crashed the pebbly beach there. In fact the lake was so rough, not much of the beach was actually exposed.

We looked for agates but only found a few small ones.

From Flood bay we headed to Gooseberry Falls. I wanted to go back to the place where I had spent the summer of 2010 one more time before we leave for New Mexico. We walked the loop trails around the waterfalls, visited the old CCC camp and then headed down to the lakeshore where we watched the huge waves crash against the rocks.


Finally, we headed over to the Castle Danger Brewery where we sampled their three different beers and bought a growler to take home.

1 comment:

  1. It's hard to believe there is somewhere in the U.S. where you need a jacket. We have had triple digit temps for the past 42 days..It was 105 today. I love the pic of the wave crashing over the rock...
