Sunday, July 17, 2011

Back to Duluth along Highway 61

This morning we packed up our stuff and headed out to do some hiking. Our first stop was the short mile long round-trip up Blueberry Hill to an overlook of Northern Lights Lake. Even at 8 a.m. the heat and humidity were oppressive. The bugs, particularly the deer flies were a bit bothersome as well. After we had returned to the trail-head parking area we decided against heading further up the Gunflint Trail. Instead we deiced to head back towards Lake Superior where temperatures would be cooler. We returned to Grand Marias where we got some coffee and donuts at World's Best Donuts.
Noelle & World's Best Donut

We then walked out to Artists Point and wandered around a bit on the sea wall and rocks.
Grand Marais

Lake Superior Cairns


Parker once again enjoyed watching the waves.
Parker the Wave Watcher

After some time walking around Grand Marais we started to make our way south. We stopped at Temperance River State Park (closed for government shut-down) and walked a small loop past the deep gorge and waterfalls.
Noelle and Hidden Falls

Bridge over the Temperance

Temperance River Falls

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