Saturday, October 6, 2018

Superior National Forest: South Dark River Trail

Today was a day for a family adventure. While it wasn't the nicest day weather-wise, we just had to get our of the house and do a little exploring. We opted to head south towards Chisholm and Hibbing, Minnesota to go for a hike and try the Boomtown Brewery.

The drive from Minnesota Highway 73 to the trailhead was probably the most adventurous part of the hike. The last 1 and 3/4 mile was on a two-track forest road that was very muddy from the recent rains. Still, the CR-V handled the drive well, though it did get quite a bit dirty. We hit the trail in wonderful fall colors.
North Central Minnesota is definitely at peak right now. There were lots of mushrooms on the ground

and we even saw a few patches of snow, here and there.
Sierra enjoyed looking for the most colorful leaves on the ground.
Soon the trail made its way to the edge of a small gorge formed by the Dark River.
We made our way along the trail, never too far from the water, though we didn't see it often due to the vegetation. Eventually, the trail made its way to an old road and wove its way through a red pine plantation.
Then we were back at the car for the next part of our journey. It was a quick drive through Chisholm and into Hibbing. We had a delicious meal at Boomtown and Noelle and I had a few beer as well. Then we drove over to Bob Dylan's boyhood home
and explored Carey Lake Park a bit before making our way back home.

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