Friday, October 12, 2018

Superior National Forest: Sturgeon River Trail, South Loop

With an early winter settling in over the Northland, I wanted to get out for one more hike in the woods without snowshoes strapped to my feet. I decided to head down to the same area Noelle, Sierra and I had hiked last week to check out the Sturgeon River Trail. Today's forecast called for temperatures just above freezing and clearing skies, so I was a bit surprised to be driving in snow and freezing rain. In fact, I happened upon an accident where a van was being pulled out of the ditch.
I made it to the trailhead
without incident and hit the trail.
Sturgeon River Trail is a series of loops. I would be hiking the southernmost loop.
Immediately, it was evident just how quickly winter had overtaken fall. Colorful leaves littered the snowy trail surface.

Soon enough I found my first view of Jean Lake.
I would have intermittent views of the water throughout the middle portion of my hike. I also got some occasional views of beaver ponds
and other swampy areas, marked with the presence of tamarack trees
and alders.
I passed some grouse hunters and soon after made my way to the Adirondack-style shelter
above the shores of Jean Lake.
I ate a snack there and then finished up my hike with a return to the car.

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