Saturday, March 2, 2019

Superior National Forest: Skiing the Sturgeon River Trails

Sierra hasn't been feeling well lately, and I've been wanting to get outside for an adventure. While Noelle, Mom and Sierra opted to go to the movies to see The Lego Movie 2, I decided to head down towards Chisholm to go for a ski on the Sturgeon River Trail. I had hiked the southernmost loop of the trail last fall, so today I headed for a trailhead just to the north to start my ski.

It was a cold morning, but the sun gave the illusion of warmth. I hit the trail on Forest Road 703 and skied the spur to the main loops. I headed north at this point into the forest.
Soon enough I came to another trail junction where I continued north to County Road 65. I crossed the road
and continued north,
passing through a few areas where past timber sales
had created openings. There were scattered views to the canyon of the Sturgeon River. I made it to a trail shelter and took a break.
When I was ready to continue on, I found the trail north of the shelter had not been packed or tracked. I followed snowmobile tracks down to the frozen river
and then started to ski back the way I had come.

When I returned to the loop south of County Road 65, I decided to take the western portion. By this time I was getting pretty tired and so at the next junction I started to make my way back to the car. exhaustion and hunger made the going slow, but I was back to my vehicle by 1 pm. It was a windy drive back to the Falls.

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