Saturday, March 23, 2019

Voyageurs National Park: Sullivan Bay Trail Snowshoe

Today was a beautiful, warm, early spring day. With Noelle's mom in town, we decided to take advantage by going out for one last winter adventure. We drove down to the Ash River for a snowshoe hike on the Sullivan Bay Trail.

We parked the car at the gate there, strapped on our snowshoes, and hit the trail.
The snow is still pretty deep, but with the warmth and sun it was soft and sticky. It made for good snowball making. Sure enough, a snowball fight broke out!
We continued through the woods. Sierra and Mom took their time, while Noelle and I hiked a little bit faster.
Soon enough we approached the overlook or Sullivan bay at the end of the trail.

We relaxed at the picnic table there and then started to retrace our steps back towards the car.
Soon we figured out why Sierra and Mom had been hiking so slow. Every now and then Sierra would stop to work on what she called "little sculptures", collections of natural objects that she had arranged in the snow.
Soon enough we were back at the trailhead
for the drive back home.

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