Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Guernsey Ruts and Register Cliff

 Today Noelle, Sierra and I decided to get out of town and do some exploring in the Fort Laramie area. We drove west into Wyoming, through Torrington and stopped at Fort Laramie National Historic Site where we ate a picnic lunch and explored the grounds. 

We left Fort Laramie after lunch and headed a little further west to the Guernsey Ruts State Historic Site. Noelle and I had both been to the ruts before, but this time we explored the area more and found more ruts than the ones that the paved trail leads to.

From the ruts we made the short drive over to Register Cliff. I had been to Register Cliff back in November and was disappointed at all the modern graffiti. However, this time I was able to look past that and appreciate the older inscriptions.

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