Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Paddling Center Lake at Bridgeport State Recreation Area

 With Sierra about to head back to school, and Noelle getting ready to start her new job, today was our last chance to have a family adventure for a while. I thought it would make a good day to get the canoe out, since we hadn't paddled in a while. We decided to head east to Bridgeport State Recreation Area. The recreation area is a series of old sand pits, now filled with water to create some lakes. We made the short drive and put our canoe in the water at Center Lake.

Center Lake is a pretty small body of water with an island in the middle. We paddled around the outside perimeter of the lake in a clockwise direction passing campsites and boat ramps. 

When we approached the swimming beach, we beached the canoe and got out to stretch our legs.

Sierra and I went for a swim in the warm water.

We didn't see much wildlife, just a few domestic ducks.

After one lap around the lake, we paddled a second one, this time staying closer to the island in the center. Sierra even tried paddling for a bit in the bow.

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