Friday, May 27, 2022

Reservoir Ridge Natural Area: North Loop

Today was a Fort Collins day. We made the drive through southeast Wyoming and into Colorado. Our first stop was the Horsetooth Mountain Open Space where we planned on hiking Horsetooth Rock. Unfortunately, with today being the Friday before the busy Memorial Day Weekend, the parking lot was full and we could not start our hike. Instead, we went into Old Town to get lunch at Chick'n Cone. 

Once we had lunch in our bellies, I formulated a Plan B. We would head out to Reservoir Ridge for a hike on the north loop. We arrived at the trailhead to dark gray skies and a distant rumble of thunder. Still, we decided to proceed with our hike. 

The hike began in the flat prairie. 

Then started to climb some of the lower foothills.

It was pretty hot at the start of the hike. Sierra demanded some shelter in the shade of a ponderosa pine.

After a short break, we were back to ascending up to the ridge again.

Once we had reached the top of the ridge, the trail began to descend slightly to start the loop portion of the hike.

We caught views to the west overlooking the Horsetooth Reservoir and some of the higher mountains. 

After a short break at a nice overlook, we started to make our way back to finish the loop.

Once back at the car, we returned to Old Town for ice cream and a beer at Gilded Goat's new Old Town taproom.

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