Thursday, June 2, 2022

Roosevelt National Forest: Mount McConnel

 Today was the start of a Father/Daughter weekend for Sierra and me. We packed our camping gear and headed to the Mountain Park Recreation Area in the Poudre Canyon to do some hiking and camping. After setting up camp and relaxing by the river for a bit, 

we hit the trail with our destination being 8,012-foot-tall Mount McConnel. 

The hike starts right off with a pretty steep climb.

Then, it continues with a pretty unrelenting ascent. Luckily there are lots of great views from the trail due to the fact that large portions of the forest in this area have burned.

Sierra enjoyed testing out the old stone benches that had been built along the trail.

The higher we climbed, the better the views seemed to get!

Soon, we approached what we thought was the summit. It turned out to be a false summit. Shortly after that we entered the Cache la Poudre Wilderness and caught our first view of the true summit.

Then, it was a short hike to the short spur trail that leads to the summit of Mount McConnel.

Finally, we were standing at the summit!

Sierra found a nice rock to relax on.

I found a nice spot to lay and doze. There were some flies that were bothering Sierra and she wanted to start heading down. The descent went pretty quickly.

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