Friday, June 3, 2022

Horsetooth Mountain Open Space: Horsetooth Falls

 Yesterday's hike took a lot out of me. I'm not sure why, but some of the more strenuous hikes (I would really not even consider Mount McConnel to be all that strenuous) seem to really take their toll on me. I spent a good part of the evening yesterday shivering in my sleeping bag in the tent with very little energy. Still, I wanted to get out for at least a short hike today. Sierra and I opted for the short hike to Horsetooth Falls.

After eating breakfast and packing up camp, it was a scenic drive along Stove Prairie Road. We arrived at Horsetooth Mountain Open Space from the opposite direction from which we had approached it last week. This time there were plenty of parking spaces. We parked, paid the fee, changed into our boots, and then hit the trail. It is a very pleasant area with nice scenery right off the bat. 

We practically ran into a small herd of mule deer right away.

Besides wildlife, there were plenty of wildflowers to observe. 

After a short ascent, we arrived at the top of a ridge where there was a bench to relax at. 

Then, the trail descended into a small canyon for the rest of the walk to the falls. The falls themselves were a bit of a disappointment. Just a trickle of water flowing. Still, Sierra enjoyed standing in their spray.

We were alone when we arrived at the falls, but by the time we left, there were lots of people there. We ate a snack and then started our way back to the trailhead, admiring the views of the high peaks to the west.

Then, it was on to Fort Collins for lunch at Totally 80's Pizza and mini-golf.

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