Saturday, July 2, 2022

North Platte National Wildlife Refuge: Paddling Lake Alice

 We wanted to stay relatively close to home today, but still get outside to enjoy the nice weather. We decided to head over to Lake Alice, a reservoir that is managed as part of the North Platte National Wildlife Refuge. 

We arrived at the lake and put the canoe in the water.

Then we started to paddle along the near coastline. 

We were pretty hungry already, and so we scanned the shoreline for a nice beach to stop and eat at. We found a nice spot with lots of milkweed growing in the sand. We named it "Milkweed Beach."

Our little beach also afforded us an opportunity to do some swimming

and exploring. Noelle rescued a damselfly out of the water. It rested on her finger until its wings were dried enough to allow flight. 

Eventually, we got back in the boat and paddled over to an island to explore. 

There was a large eagle's nest in a tree on the island, but no eagles to be seen.

After a short break at the island, we were back in the canoe to head back to our put in. For the trip back we followed the opposite coastline from the one we had paddled near on our way out. In some of the shallow areas of the lake, we were able to look down into the water to see tiger salamanders resting on the sandy bottom. We made one last stop at a sandy beach for a swim.

Then, we made our way back to the put in and loaded the canoe onto the car for the trip home. 

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