Thursday, July 14, 2022

Quebec 01 Missile Alert Facility

Mom and Dad T are in town as part of their national parks roadtrip. Today, we decided to head west near Chugwater, Wyoming to check out the Quebec 01 Missile Alert Facility. There isn't a missile silo on the premises here. It was a control center for Peacekeeper missiles that we decommissioned in 2006. Later, it was restored by the US Air Force and turned over to Wyoming State Parks to interpret this aspect of the Cold War to visitors. 

It was a pretty painless drive from Gering, through LaGrange and then through Chugwater and south. We arrived at the parking area and walked to the humble-looking complex.

If it weren't for the barbed-wire fencing and signage, you might mistake the buildings for some type of ranch complex. 

Once inside, we toured the topside living areas.

Then, we headed down the elevator into the cool control area. The mechanical and control areas are both protected by heavy blast doors.

There was some interesting artwork on one of them. The last missileer on duty down here signed the door.

The control area itself was pretty interesting. 

I find it fascinating the safety measures put in place to ensure there is no way for a rogue missileer to launch missiles without proper authorization.

After our underground tour was over, we left the historic site and headed back to Chugwater for lunch and shakes at the old soda fountain.

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