Friday, July 8, 2022

Roosevelt National Forest: Montgomery Pass Trail

We woke up at our campsite at the Mountain Park Campground, ate breakfast, and then made the drive back up towards Cameron Pass. Today, we would attempt the hike up above the treeline to Montgomery Pass.

We parked the car just east of Cameron Pass, crossed Highway 14, and headed into the woods.

It was a fairly steep trail in places and so we stopped frequently to take breaks.

After each break we ascended higher and higher up the mountain.

Besides stopping for breaks, we also stopped to play in the remaining snow piles.

At the remains of an old cabin, 

we left the national forest and entered State Forest State Park. We crossed Montgomery Creek, 

and soon we left the trees behind 

and headed up above the treeline.

After a short time hiking above treeline, we found ourselves at our destination for the day: Montgomery Pass.

After a few minutes enjoying the view, we retraced our steps back to the highway and the car.

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