Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Fisher Towers

After our afternoon swimming in Grand Junction, we had dinner at a picnic shelter in Lincoln Park. Then, we drove into Fruita for ice cream at Dairy Queen before making the drive into Utah and along the Colorado River on Utah Highway 128. We pulled into Fisher Towers just as the sun was setting.

The campground there was completely abandoned. We found a relatively flat site, set up the tent 

and crawled inside. It was so hot we never even got our sleeping bags out of their stuff sacks.

After a mostly sleepless night, we readied our packs for the day's hike: a roughly four miles round-trip hike along the Fisher Towers Trail. It was already warm when we hit the trail.

The trail mostly traversed a bench at the base of the many sandstone towers. It is a very scenic area and we enjoyed the constant views. The sandstone here is a very dark red color, which makes it unique, and also very hot. 

As we hiked, we watched the rising sun illuminate the rocks on the other side of the Colorado River.

The trail continued to follow the base of the towers.

At one point we had to climb down a short ladder to continue the hike.

 Once down at the bottom of the ladder, the trail continued following much of the same terrain. Lots of great views.

Eventually, the trail left the base of the towers and headed out on a ridge. We stopped at a small arch on the ridge,

then continued on the way 

to the end of the trail.

There were great views in all directions from the end of the trail. 

We admired the views and took a break in a shady area.

It was starting to warm up at this point and so we got back on the trail for the return hike to the car.

We were hot and tired by now and so the hiking went a bit slow. Still, the scenery was amazing.

It must have been over 90 degrees by the time we got back to the campsite at 9:30 am. We packed up camp and hit the road, headed into Moab for a couple nights in a hotel. 

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