Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Golf Course/Kane Creek Boulevard Rock Art

After leaving Fisher Towers, we still had several hours before we could check into our hotel. I opted to take us out to a few rock art sites around Moab before getting lunch at the Moab Brewery. Our first stop was the Golf Course Rock Art site near the... golf course.

The golf course site is best known for the anthropomorph known as the "Moab Man".

After the Golf Course site, we headed out on Kane Creek Boulevard to check out a couple sites along that road outside of town. Our first stop was Moonflower Canyon.

Besides rock art, Moonflower is known for some logs with steps notched into them that are wedged into a wide gap in the rock. Known as the "Indian Ladder", I climbed a short distance up, 

before turning around to head to our last rock art site of the day: the Birthing Scene rock.

After checking out the Birthing Scene panel, we returned to town for lunch at the Moab Brewery, then checked into our hotel. It was a relief to be able to sleep in a cool, clean indoor room for a couple of nights. 

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