Friday, June 28, 2024

Medicine Bow National Forest: Harris Park Trail

This morning we ate breakfast, packed up camp, and then drove the rough road between Esterbrook and Harris Park. At the scout camp, we turned into the camp and passed through on our way to the Harris Park Trailhead. Unfortunately, the road was too rough to make it all the way to the trail, so we ended up parking in a grassy area off to the side of the road and walking the road to the trailhead.

Even from the road, the views of the surrounding forest and peaks was pretty nice.

After about a quarter mile, we found the sign for the Harris Park Trail and started out on the path.

With the name Harris Park I expected to be walking through grassy meadows for our hike. While there was some of that,

much of the trail followed the bottom of a riparian area or areas of thick aspen growth. In these somewhat shady areas we found lots of lilies in bloom.

The trail climbed to the top of a ridge 

and then gently descended through an aspen stand to a flat bench with awesome views of the surrounding peaks.

Here we found an area that was somewhat sheltered from the wind and ate a snack. Then, we retraced our steps back towards the car.

We drove out of the forest on the El Rancho Road, passing through a bison ranch 

before arriving at Interstate 25 for the drive back home. 

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Medicine Bow National Forest: Sunset Ridge Trail

After our visit to Fort Fetterman and lunch at Jackalope Square, we made the drive out of town and up into the mountains where we established camp at Esterbrook Campground. 

After getting set up and lounging around camp for a while, we opted to go for a short hike on the Sunset Ridge Trail that is easily accessible from the campground. We found one of the two spur trails that leads to the main loop,

and followed a trail through beautiful scenery 

that promptly led to a dead end. Confused, we retraced our steps and soon found the main trail, a rocky multi-use trail.

We followed the trail through a wooded area and soon came out into an amazing open view of Laramie Peak and the other craggy peaks of the Laramie Range.

We admired the view for a bit,

and then continued on our way, 

completing the loop and heading back to the campground.

Fort Fetterman State Historic Site

Today, Noelle, Sierra, Rosie and I started our two-day trip to the Laramie Range. This morning we stopped off at the Bread Doctor in Torrington for a loaf of French bread and some sweet treats. Then, we passed through Douglas on our way to Fort Fetterman.

Fort Fetterman was established in 1867 as a major supply point for the army on the frontier. We arrived and immediately explored the ordnance warehouse before heading over to the parade grounds.

We walked along the perimeter of the parade grounds, 

stopping to see what buildings once stood at the various locations.

We continued heading north towards a gazebo overlooking the North Platte River.

Along the way we found scattered artifacts littering the ground,

and crossed over the route of the Bozeman Trail.

Then, we headed back towards the restored officers' quarters 

to have a look around inside the museum.

Finally, we made the short drive up to the old fort cemetery to have a look around. It appears the soldiers who had been buried here were reinterred. There were still a few interesting civilian graves to be seen though.

After our visit of Fort Fetterman, we made the drive back into Douglas for lunch. Options were a bit limited, so we grabbed some sandwiches at Safeway and ate them in Jackalope Square.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Roosevelt National Forest: Lily Mountain Trail

Sierra and I ate breakfast, packed up camp, and then started to make our way out of Hermit Park. I stopped at the Hermit's Cabin on the way out.

Then we made the short drive north on Highway 7 to the trailhead for Lily Mountain, really its just a little pull-off on the side of the road. We started our hike with a level or slightly descending walk parallel to the road. 

There are prominent views across the highway to Twin Sisters Mountain, a summit I would like to climb at some point in the future. 

Like during yesterday's hike, Sierra and I stopped frequently for breaks,

or just to goof around.

Just before starting the bulk of the steep climb, the trail passed a rock outcrop with wonderful views out to Estes Park.

Then, it was a steep climb through the trees. Finally, we reached the base of the summit area where we scrambled up some rocks. 

First, we reached a false summit.

Then, we made our way over to the true summit where a kind lady offered to take our photo.

It was a pretty easy return hike to the car.

Once back at the car, we made our way into Estes Park. We rode the Mustang Mountain Coaster (3 times each) and then killed some time exploring the Stanley Hotel

and the site of the Birch Cabin.

before meeting a friend for lunch at "You Need Pie."

Monday, June 17, 2024

Hermit Park Open Space: Kruger Rock Trail

My days off have been changing a lot, due to a lack of staff at work. This week I have off Monday/Tuesday. Unfortunately, Noelle does not have the same days off. Still, I felt I needed to get out for some time outdoors. Sierra and I opted to head down to Estes Park to do some hiking, camping, and mountain coaster riding.

This morning we made the drive down to Cheyenne where we stopped for breakfast at Perkins. After a short interview for work, we made the rest of the drive down to Estes Park. We drove up Highway 36 to the Hermit Park Open Space, operated by Larimer County. We parked at the Kruger Rock Trailhead and started our hike.

It's a pleasant area with well-maintained trails and nice views. 

Our trail traversed some meadows dotted with wildflowers like fleabane.

Soon, we crossed into Roosevelt National Forest and followed a ridgeline with awesome views west into Estes Park and Rocky Mountain National Park.

The trail was not difficult, but we still stopped to take plenty of breaks.

As we continued on the views, especially of Long's Peak, continued to get better and better.

Towards the summit is a chute that you scramble up.

And then, you have the views from the summit itself.

We relaxed and enjoyed the views for a bit before making our way back down the chute.

Then, it was a pretty easy hike back down to the car. Once back to the car we were pretty hungry. We opted to go into Estes Park for lunch (ice cream for Sierra and a beer from Rock Cut Brewery for me). As we walked around town we strolled along the Big Thompson River and even dipped our toes into the icy cold water.

Then, we headed back to Hermit Park to set up our campsite in the Bobcat Loop.

There's a nice big rock we can climb from our campsite.

It offers nice views of Kruger Rock and the surrounding area.

It's a nice campground, and I would love to return with Noelle at some point!